Jack McAuliffe

Memories of Wilmot: Jack McAuliffe

In this historical documentary, (see below) Jack McAuliffe shares stories of his youth including taking us back to the Depression when his family drove from California to Wilmot, New Hampshire.

Jack tells his guests, Liz Thompson Kirby, Chuck and Jackie Thompson, and Cinematographer Lindy Heim, about many of his experiences in Wilmot in grammar school through high school.

Jack, who was born in Owens Mouth, California, on June 20, 1924, died in Gilford, New Hampshire on November 19, 2015 at the age of 91. (obit)


Interviewer: Lindy Heim
Videographer: Lindy Heim
Production by: Theresa Chamberland of StoryCatcher Studios


Easy Lemon
Kevin MacLeod (imcompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0

Closed Captions: Theresa Chamberland of StoryCatcher Studios
