Barbara Sanborn

Memories of Wilmot: Barbara Sanborn

In this documentary Barbara tells stories of being adopted, marrying and raising her family in Wilmot, and her love for making quilts.

Two interviews were recorded by Wilmot Historical Society volunteers. The first interview with Barbara was filmed on October 12, 2018 at Barbara’s home on Pancake Street and the second interview was on May 5, 2019 at Lindy Heim’s home at 55 Campground Road. May Jones was at both interviews and shared stories her stories as well.

Additional Resources

Transcript of Video [click here]

The Back Story of Signature Quilts of the Wilmot Historical Society

Names that are on the Friends and Family Signature Quilt

Clark-French Family Photo

Emons Family Photos

Interviewer: Lindy Heim
Videographer: Judy Hauck
Produced by: Theresa Chamberland of StoryCatcher Studios

Fresh Air Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The Congregational Church of Wilmot, New Hampshire
Photography by: Magicpiano, 2012

Family Signature Quilters
Courtesy of Luan Clark
